There is no restaurant there so you just ask a random house to cook for you. Our host loved us because we didn't ask any questions or complain. We just told them to make us whatever they normally eat for lunch.
Definitely an experience I will never forget. They were the kindest people I have ever met
the residents don't drive cars....this is how they get around
chillaxin before taking a dip in the water
the treacherous road....madness
someone's humble abode. the whole time we were there he was chillin on his hammock
pre lunch snack. Dimas got a machete and did work
best meal EVER
doing mad work
water in a plastic bag. better than drinking tap water. learned my lesson
yeah we didn't like our food one bit.....
muchas gracias la gente de Miami por todos. muy amable
my beverage of choice
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